Tuesday, March 29, 2011


13 March 2011

Another beautiful day. Whilst it was somewhat overcast there is no wind.

In the morning we headed for the west coast of Graham Land on the continent itself.

There was a very small landing beach next to a very active, deeply cracked and tilted glacier.

We were warned that if we hear it calving we are to leave the low level beach immediately and seek higher ground. The effect of the new iceberg hitting the water causes the water levels to rise all around it.

We made our way past the penguins unable to keep to the rule of 5 metres away from the penguins as they were everywhere and coming to us.

Along the way there were remnants from the whaling days. The pink is a form of algae.

We walked to another beach

and from there most of the group climbed up the side of the glacier.

I chose to stay behind enjoying the penguins.

There were several of us not doing the climb so the crew gave us a cruise along the shoreline through the sea ice and ice flows.

We saw a leapold seal

And crabeater seals.

It was very picturesque along the ice locked coastline.

In the afternoon we went across to Cuverville Island. The island acts as a stopper in the northern end of Errera Channel.

They landed us on a beach further away from the glacier as weather conditions allowed them to drop us of at one end of the island and pick us up at the other end.

It was a lovely walk crossing the island.

There were about 5,000 pairs of penguins nesting on this island during this season.

The fine feathers on the snow formed interesting patterns.

The penguins have carved paths through the snow to get from rookeries to the sea.

Whilst today was not sunny it was still a very weather day.

The scenery was spectacular.

This baby penguin kept looking for its mother. It approached every passing penguin with a particular sound and was obviously waiting for food.

After walking around the island we were taken for another cruise to see the amazing icebergs floating around in the area.

The water sculpts the bergs under the water and causes the development of long ridge lines. When they flip over you can see the work of the water on the ice.

Another incredible day.

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