Monday, March 3, 2008

Day 3 - Pilbara, Kimberley Trip

2 March 2008

On the Way to Adelaide

An early start today as we have to be in Adelaide this evening. I always like the dawn colours but rarely make the effort to get up in time to see them. This morning we did. Then at lunch time the third thing went wrong – as I stood on our top step to get into the back it suddenly moved. The weld broke on it. We will need to have it welded on but there was a way to keep the steps up for travelling on the other side. I hope from now everything will go well.

We've been up and down this part of the road through Hay, Mallee Way to Adelaide and back so often that in our current tired state we really did not appreciate it.

Day 3 is somewhat hazy
As we’re still tired and lazy
Pumping the kilometres as we do not want to think
How often we’ve made this link
Canberra to Adelaide and back again
Visiting family and home again.

1 comment:

hunka chunka's parents said...

so much for a leisurely drive?
just hope the oka will make it in one piece?