Friday, May 2, 2008


30 April – 1 May 2008

DAYS 62-63 Pilbara – Kimberley Trip


I am writing the blog at Quondong Point whilst being bombarded by locusts whilst hubby is playing the piano accordion with the sound of waves in the background. Some of the locusts are big and they hit one with a real big thump. They come from all directions.

Regretfully we packed up and left Cape Leveque today. Whilst the road is not that long it takes time to drive it comfortably due to the road conditions. A trailer that has totally collapsed is a good reminder to drive to the road conditions.

Interesting what you find on the road. Lost objects start to be absorbed into the surrounding area.

We got to Willie Creek just as a tour was going to commence. We had debated about whether to do it or not whilst in Broome and couldn’t decide as we felt a bit pearled out. There are 21 pearl shops in Broome and the Broome pearls are not just expensive they are VERY expensive. They had two places left on the tour so we joined. No wander they win so many tourism awards. It is a very informative and a well put together tour.

We learnt about the care of pearls, how they are cultivated and experienced how they are farmed on a short cruise on Willie Creek. The resident croc decided not to make an appearance this afternoon. A lovely afternoon tea was served with fresh damper. Yum!

We then headed out to Kardilakan or what is more commonly known as Quondong Point to camp overlooking a rocky outcrop near a lovely sandy cove. Local story is that three sisters from Bugarregarre, Lija (boss woman), Udang and Birmarra travelled north to south creating the landscape. When reaching the beach at Murrjal they found an ant bed. They sorted the ants. They ate the sweet ants and scattered the hard ants and they are now the scattered rocks on the beach. This part of the country is also part of the Lurujarri Dreaming Trail.

Patterns in the sand again. AFter one high tide the whole beach area was covered solidly in patterns.

We have this spot totally to ourselves. No sign of the other campers (only two others from what we saw on the way in) from where we are.

This morning after breakfast we strolled along the beach. I was busy fossicking for shells whilst hubby was busy trying to refloat a buoy.

After the lovely walk along the beach we explored the area along Manari Road. We backtracked to Barred Creek but couldn’t get to the fossilized forest due to the low branches on trees. Some lovely campsites by the creek but it is croc country so I wouldn’t be relaxed camping here.

The coastine along Manari Road is spectacular. We drove onto the beach at Waldama – James Price Point. It is just beautiful here.

We drove to Manari Beach and could see Minarnny (Coulomb Point) in the distance at the end of the beach.

We started on the track to Coulomb Point but as it was very narrow we decided to turn back when there was an opportunity to turn around.

Slowly we made our way back to Kardilakan (Quondong Point) to enjoy the beach and the sound of the waves rolling in. As there was limited phone connection we contacted our children.

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